What's WGM for?


geeks have special needs

We love enthusiasm

While anyone can use WGM to simply find someone to talk to, the service is tailored to help people find other people who care about similar topics or share similar needs in conversation--language, experience, topics, and conversation style are all important in the difference between a good conversation and a great one.

WeGeeksMeet isn't for lonely people. People who have partners and friends can sometimes find themselves unable to connect with those people around specific topics that they're learning or projects they're working on. This is a place to find those people.

You can use WGM to find people to talk to while you're cooking dinner or drawing tattoos or to debate current events.
Try it another time to practice pitches or poems or comedy routines with someone else that's also involved in the same things or brainstorm next steps in your children's book or song or talk parenting tips or investment or sports.

The point is, WGM can allow you to narrow your conversation to subjects you're interested in talking about WHEN you're interested.

Get specific.